Distiller One

Open Source Edge AI Device for the Developers


Simply put,

It's a handheld device that lets you

Deploy offline AI App or Game.

Make it your own!

and Take it Anywhere

PCB Image
User Upgradable SoC
PI Compute Module 4
Quad-core ARM Cortex-A72
64s per Image @ SD1.5 384x256
Storage & Memory
E-Ink Display
Paper like look, Low power consumption
Quick to share your work
SSH into your device. External APIs
5MP Camera
Image to Image Inference
Audio In/Out
Audio In/Out, Voice Assistant
M.2 Expansion
Unlock the full potential of the device, with M.2 Expansion. Such as External GPU

Our SDK allows you to

compress your AI model

to run on our edge device.

Linux Based, no restriction!

Model Compression Tools
We provide and update open-source tools for converting state-of-the-art models, enabling you to easily compress and deploy your favorite LLM or SD models into devices.
Firmware SDK suite
We offer drivers and Python SDKs for microphones, speakers, screens, buttons, and cameras, taking care of the low-level design so you can focus on your project.
Distiller UI Framework
Access the fundamental UI code base we used for our demos. It saves you from starting from scratch, allowing you to concentrate on developing the core functionality of your app.

Demo Applications

Offline Stable Diffusion

Generate AI Artwork on the go; use the device as a picture frame

E-Reader with AI Generated Images

Enable your to read books with AI generated images from the pages that you are reading

AI Segmentation and Inpainting

Enable you to quicky change appearance and accesoires of characters

Waifu Tomagochi

Pet your AI generated companion

PreOrder Today!

Get your hands on the first 50 limited production build!

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is this device for? and why?

We developed this as a hobby project aimed at AI application developers who are interested in building mini-games on ARM CPU-powered devices. Our goal is to create a stable and reliable platform that allows for faster iterations across all applications based on Large Language Models (LLM), vision models, or Diffuser models, catering specifically to indie developers and hackers. We are committed to the community, and all of our demo game code will be open-sourced.

How soon can I get it?

With our limited capacity, we will proritize shipping to developers. You can expect to recieve your device in 4 week once the order go through.

Do I need to code?

Although Distiller One is a developer kit, We will keep adding new games to it (like the image generatior shown in the demo) for customers with no programming skill.

How much is Distiller One

We are still early in development, we expect the price to be around $199. But we will keep iterating to reduce the price in the future.